


Resource TypePosted On
send a value from one text box to another form using request.form method Aug 04
first text box on user form to be selectedFeb 03
Set default value for combo box on formDec 18
calculating 'names' of text boxes in a formNov 01
Sum values entered into text boxesDec 21
Displaying spreadsheet data in user form text boxNov 12
Vb code to transfer cells text to text boxSep 24
using text boxFeb 07
Reference form values dynamically from another form?Dec 29
Sending Excel Form as attachment using VB Mar 07
Copying and Pasting Values From One Column To Multiple Columns UsingOct 28
using values from one spreadsheet into anotherFeb 15
Create List Box as Form or in ActiveXJan 30
text box -- integers onlyDec 20
Synchronize two combo boxes on a user formFeb 10
send a connection request to a serverMar 03
Problem with Focusing the Text box on Page LoadJul 01
Make Text Box in Edit mode biggerMar 29
adding a new value to a list(combo box) that doesn't existAug 30
Print Control From A Combo Box ValueOct 06
How to display file/ folder path in the Text BoxNov 25
Specific cell date value to trigger msg boxMar 03
cmdFind for multiple Text and Combo BoxesSep 07
Need syntax for Request.Form("whatever") in ASP to ASPX upgradeDec 07
Java to Send Text MessageFeb 12
sending parameters in post methodOct 30
Format a registration form in excel and send it by email Feb 26
sending mail more than one person helpMar 19
Black box - White box testingOct 07
bringing values in cells to textbox in formFeb 15
Easier method to capture & paste calculated value?Sep 21
Retrieving the values from Excel Sheet into formJan 30
How to send fonts from one system to otherOct 16
Fill List Box Based On Selection On Other List BoxSep 07
Updating text in form while routine is runningOct 24
How to enter values from a user form in excel spreadsheetDec 12
2003 - TEXT and VALUE functionsOct 10
combo box/list box/checkbox Tool TipDec 14
Fill VBA form with Cell values of an Excel sheetJan 17
Single Program to increase the values in any cell by oneFeb 25
how upate daily datewise data form one workbook to anotherMar 22
Linking multiple values to one nameMar 14
Calendar and textBox in one formFeb 13
Static Method & Instance MethodFeb 07
method in a derived class affect a method in a base classMar 21
How does a method in a derived class affect a method in a base classJan 27
A potentially dangerous Request.Form value was detected from the client.Dec 02
Why doGet() method inside a doPost() method?Mar 21
using ubuntu box as answering machine Dec 05
VBA to Change value in column AQ based on values in I, and AIJan 17